Reducing Food Waste and
Rescue Surplus Food Supplies
Every year in EU, from primary production to the consumer, around 88 million tons of food waste is generated, with economic, social and environmental negative impacts. Reducing food losses is positively reflected on improving resource efficiency, sustainability of food production, reducing gas emissions and on the health of European
and even world population.

Our Objectives

To raise awareness about the importance of food loss reduction and to offer possible solutions to all actors at every step of the supply chain to rescue food from waste and to distribute surplus food to those in need

To provide training and awareness to all actors that are engaged from food production to food consumption in order to acquire required skills for assessing food loss, designing prevention measures for food loss and monitoring the food loss measures. This will help hotels, restaurants and cafes reduce the overall food loss quantities and thus mitigate the related environment negative impacts.

To bridge companies from all supply chain sector that potentially generates food loss with humanitarian actors (NGOs, parishes, municipal actors) that have established food donation activities in place and could redistribute excess food quantities for human consumption to needy individuals. Employees or engaged individuals that offer their services to humanitarian actors will be also delivered tailored training to be able to manage food received from these companies.
Specific Objectives

To develop a methodology for establishing effective synergies between humanitarian actors and organizations that produce food loss

To help the target group that produce food loss to assess/measure the loss of food and the related factors

To provide humanitarian actors with all the required tools and methods to manage the food rescue chain end-to-end

To increase the training level of humanitarian actors’ personnel that are directly engaged in food distribution to needy people for delivering high quality and safe food

To assist hotels, restaurants, cafes and supermarkets evaluate the overall impact on the environment caused by their activities