
Europewide Food Rescue Assessment

If you are representing a restaurant, a hotel, a cafe, a catering SME on one hand, or a charity orgnasiation, NGO or municipality on the other, and you do care about the environment, those in need, and want to become more competitive, you are at the right place. We are launching a questionnaire for better understanding the current status of excess food amounts and their distribution potential to those in need.

The Food Rescue Assessment is an Online Europe-wide questionnaire regarding the Food Distribution from Charity Organizations and Companies wishing to participate in Food Rescue Initiatives. The Project’s general goals are to provide training and awareness to all actors that are engaged from food production to food consumption in order to acquire required skills for assessing food loss and designing prevention measures for food loss and bridge companies from all the supply chain sector that potentially generate food loss with humanitarian organizations.

The analysis of the responses and the general feedback we will receive from you will lead to the drafting of national reports, which will serve as a basis for a joint EU report.

Filling in the questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes and it can be accessed here:

Thank you for your precious participation in our survey and your valuable input.

ReS-Food project team

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