Novi Sad- the city of love and tolerance hosted the last transnational partner meeting of the ReS-Food project
On 5th and 6th of September 2024, the ReS-Food project partners met in Novi Sad, Serbia, at the Faculty of Technology of the University of Novi Sad. After almost two years of intensive work and very close cooperation, partners have finalized all project results. The ReS-Food Training Course is ready both in a downloadable version, and online, with various interactive contents that ensure fun and entertaining learning for the users. Partners dedicated special attention to the organisation of the ReS-Food Multiplier Events, which will be conducted in Serbia, Greece, Hungary, Cyprus and Croatia in the last month of project implementation. These events will be organised not just for promoting the project products, but also to ensure a possibility to connect with each other for the target groups and stakeholders of the project. To this end, partners are kindly inviting not just hotels, restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and charity organisations, but also tourism and business development umbrella organisations for reaching even more members of the target groups. Among the topics discussed special focus was given to the communication efforts: partners agreed to promote the ReS-Food Course through the European Platform for Adult Learning and Education Platform (EPALE) to reach wide audiences across Europe and if possible, issue press releases to maximize impact. A strategy for ensuring long term sustainability of project results has been defined: the ReS-Food project website with all its contents will be maintained for at least 5 more years, and parts of the training will be integrated into the university curriculums and into partners’ service portfolios.