
Cross Linked Projects

"ADVANCE – Advancing MuNicipal Circlular Economy "

Project Ref. №:   2021-1-EL01-KA220-VET-000033247
Programme:  Erasmus+ 
Project website: 

The focus of the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan is on avoiding waste and transforming it into a high-quality market for secondary raw materials. To this end, the selective collection will be addressed to households as well as to commercial businesses such as hotels, restaurants and cafés. ADVANCE will develop a Baseline assessment of the current food waste management practices in Municipalities and HORECA SMEs and a benchmark of existing best practices in the EU. Furthermore, a Gap Analysis methodology will be developed and a Roadmap will be created, providing a step-by-step methodological framework for implementing the food waste targets. Finally, an ADVANCE Course will be prepared, covering certain learning modules for waste management. In order to encompass all the results and training content, the ADVANCE Online Platform (Open Education Resource) will be constructed, including and interactively hosting all of the above.

FaRMeR-Farms Risk Management to Enhance Resilience

Project Ref. №:  KA220-VET-865D4C25
Programme:  Erasmus+ 
Project website:

The agricultural sector in Europe faces a lot of challenges that threaten its stability, profitability and even its survivability. Because of all the possible dangers of different forms, farmers are discouraged to invest in productivity improvements (European Commission, 2017) that, in the long run, might improve the farm profitability and resilience. The typical farms are missing the holistic Risk Management perception for their overall business entity and operations. The FaRMER project will present the necessary approach in the Risk Management and Risk and Risk Resilience, and address the whole spectrum of needs of the typical Farmer business. FaRMER will also make use of the capabilities that technology offers to farmers, in order to stabilize and improve their business.

REFRAME-CirculaR Economy strategy FRAMEwork for sustainable SMEs

Project Ref. №:  2020-1-EL01-KA202-078870
Programme:  Erasmus+
Project website:

Climate change and environmental destruction are a threat to Europe and the world. Circular Economy (CE) has been identified as one of the key priorities that requires attention and actions for all organisations, regardless their size.
The REFRAME project created a CE Transition Framework specifically for small and medium businesses in construction, manufacturing and crafts industry, to help them become friendlier to the environment. It provides the EU construction & manufacturing SMEs and micro-enterprises’ employees and future employees with practical knowledge on implementing CE transition in their business.

ImoLipWaste (Immobilisation of Lipases on Functionalised Carriers Produced from Selected Agro-Food Industrial Waste)

Project Ref. №: IP-2020-02-6878
Programme: Croatian Science Foundation
Project website: 

One of the main challenges of the agro food industry sustainable waste management by “zero-waste” model is the application of the circular management strategy, including development of innovative waste transformation techniques. Agro-food waste transformation into carriers for enzyme immobilization clearly represent one of such techniques, while replacement of chemical catalysts with immobilized enzymes might solve the issues of energy efficiency and environmental acceptability. On the other hand, process economic cost effectiveness is highly dependent on the immobilized enzyme price. Whether the agro-food waste transformation could result with cost effective enzyme carriers for lipase immobilization, and subsequent development of immobilised lipases of desirable operational properties for use in the biocatalytic production, is the question this project aiming to answer. In this respect, carriers of desirable operational properties and high immobilization capacity will be prepared from selected waste: eggshells, spent coffee grounds and brown onion skin followed by subsequent immobilization of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Burkholderia cepacia lipases using various immobilization techniques. Biochemical and operational properties of free and immobilized lipases will be used for the selection of developed immobilized lipases of the greatest efficiency, which will be tested for operational functionality in the selected reactions of acidolysis, hydrolysis and transesterification. The final proof will be confirmed by industrial scale techno-economic analysis simulation, as well as life cycle analysis.

Empowering local communities turning them into laboratories for co-development of circular and sustainable tourism ecosystems

Project Ref. №:  101085853 — ECOTOURS — SMP-COSME-2021-TOURSME
Programme:  Single Market Programme COSME
Project website:

The project ECOTOURS enhances the capacity of tourism’s SMEs and community tourism’s ecosystems to promote circular tourism and to uptake environmental principles, practices and standards in their businesses. Through transnational cooperation, peer learning and capacity building, the project will engage key actors and local communities in Europe in cohesive and collaborative strategies and actions to build-up a support system to tourism SMEs, with a focus on how circular economy principles and standards apply to tourism services and businesses. The project targets local communities in Italy (Sicily: Enna, Agrigento and Trapani), Greece (Western Macedonia), France (Corsica, Bastia), Hungary (Csongrad County, Szeged), Spain (Galicia, Vigo), Cyprus (Nicosia), including a natural & cultural heritage of international significance, that are currently facing common socio-economic challenges due to the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Increase the capacity of tourism’s SMEs and community ecosystems in EU to incorporate and promote sustainable strategies and practices on circular tourism Boost the transition process of tourism’s SMEs by increasing their capacity to uptake sustainable and circular principles and standards Engage key actors and local communities in Europe in cohesive and collaborative strategies and actions to build-up a support system to tourism SMEs * Increase sustainability, competitiveness and economic regeneration of rural destinations in Europe through circular tourism

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