
Exam: Humanitarian Organizations

*Answer at least 12 questions correctly to get a certificate
Which one of the list is not a food surplus beneficiary?

What is the next stage after extending outreach and visibility?

Food that has already been served (’’catering’’) can be donated:

After the expiration of ’’use-by’’date, the food:

Can the food after the expiration of the ’’best-before’ date be donated?

Donor retention rate does not have an impact on the financial health of the food distribution organization.

Consistency in communication is one of the trust building techniques with donors.

Are whole eggs out of the collective packaging with one broken egg safe for donation?

Who are the most important stakeholders in redistribution of food surplus?

What is a key component of effective monitoring procedures in managing donations and charitable activities?

How do regular audits and reviews contribute to enhancing transparency and accountability in charitable organizations?

Stewardship in food donation refers to the responsible and ethical management of relationships with food donors, aimed at maintaining trust, ensuring satisfaction, and fostering long-term partnerships.

Which action is essential during follow-up visits to donors and charities to express appreciation for their contributions?

Engaging donors in mission include:

How can you retain your donors and keep them engaged?